


C program for changing upper case character to lowercase character.

C program to find leap year and swap two numbers without using temp variable.

C program to find the case of the given input.

C program for squaring an integer.

C program to print Multiplication table.

C program to print ASCII table.

C program to generate Fibonacci series.

C program to count number of vowels in a String.

C program to check the given number is Adam number or not.

C program to change the Binary number to Decimal number.

C program to find the given number is Perfect number or not.

C program to find the given string is Palindrome or not.

C program to find sum of Diagonal elements.

C program to find Transpose of Matrix.

C program to generate this sequence 1,2,4,7..........n(adding current number with before number).

C program to square an integer using Macro call.

C program to convert JPEG to BMP .

C program for Stack.

C program for Merge sort.

C program for Heap sort. 

C program for Quick sort.

C program for Insertion sort.

C program for Binary search.

C program to explain Pointer operators & and *.

C program to print calender for the given year.

C program to show the maximum number of days in the the given month.

C program to find sum of n  Natural numbers.

C program to check the given number is Prime number or not.

C program for Client server implementation.

C program to catch CTRL+c

C program for Menu driven environment.

C program to Multiply the numbers without "*" operator.

C program to Divide the numbers without "/" operator.

C program for BOMB Game.

C program to show the Date and Time of your PC.

C program for n-Queen's problem using backtracking.

C program for Knapsack problem

C program to turn Num, Caps and Scroll Lock.

C program for scrolling the window to up.

C program fro setting the cursor position at desired location.

C program for scrolling the window to down.

C program for setting the cursor size.

C program for resetting the Floppy Disk Controller.

C program for getting the Disk Status.

C program for Reading the Disk Data onto the Buffer.

C program for verifying the disk sector.

C program for Enabling and Disabling the Keyboard.

C program to Implement Re-Calibrate Command. 

C program to find Achromatic String.

C program to find Pascal's triangle.

C program to generate Queer Number.

C program to generate Perfect number.

C program to solve Tower of Hanoi problem.

C program to find execution time of the program.

C program to find Integral value using Trapezoidal Rule.

C program to find Integral value using Simpson's Rule.

C program for shutdown timer.

C program to get IP address.

C program to find GCD of two numbers.

C program for Mouse Pointer.

C program to print Hello World without using Semicolon.

C program for Graph coloring problem using Backtracking method.

C program to print Triangle of stars.

C program to print Right angled Triangle of numbers.

C program to print Pyramid of Stars.

C program to print Diamond of Stars.

C program to print Alphabet pattern_1.

C program to print Alphabet pattern_2.

C program to print Alphabet pattern_3.

C program to print Current time.

C program to print current Date.

C program to print Alphabet pattern_4.

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