Basic Arithmetic Operators
int x;
x=- 3 + 4 * 5 -6; /*1*/
x=3 + 4 % 5 - 6; /*2*/
x=- 3 *4 %-6 / 5; /*3*/
x=(7+6)%5/2; /*4*/
1.x=- 3 + 4 * 5 -6; by reading the precedence table
x=(- 3) + 4 * 5 -6; The highest level operator in the expression is the unary -. We'll use parentheses indicate the order of binding operands to operators.
x=(- 3) + (4 * 5) -6; Next highest in the expression is *.
x=((- 3) + (4 * 5)) -6; Both + and - are at the same precedence level.The order of binding thus depends on the associativity rule for that level.For + and -,associativity is left to right.First the + is bound.
x=(((- 3) + (4 * 5)) -6); And then the -.
( x=(((- 3) + (4 * 5)) -6)); And finally near the bottom of the precedence table is =. Now that we have completely identified the operands for each operator,we can evaluate the expression.
( x=(((- 3) + (4 * 5)) -6)); For this expression,evaluation proceeds from inside out.
(x=((-3+20)-6)) Replace each sub expression by its value.
11 The value of an assignment expression is the value of the right-hand side cast in the type of the left-hand side.
2.x=3 + 4 % 5 - 6 This expression is very similar to the previous one.
x=3 + (4 % 5) - 6 Following precedence
x=3 + (4 % 5) - 6 and associativity
x=3 + (4 % 5) - 6 leads to
(x=3 + 4 % 5 - 6) this.(The module,%,operator yields the remainder of dividing 4 by 5)
(x=((3+4)-6)) Again, evaluation is from the inside out.
3.x= - 3 * 4 % - 6 / 5 This expression is a bit more complex than the last,but rigorous adherence to precedence and associativity will untangle it.
x= (- 3) * 4 % (- 6) / 5
x= ((- 3) * 4) % (- 6) / 5 *,%,and / are all the same precedence level,and they associate from left to right.
x= (((- 3) * 4) % (- 6)) / 5
x= ((((- 3) * 4) % (- 6)) / 5)
(x= ((((- 3) * 4) % (- 6)) / 5))
(x=(((-3*4)%6)/5)) Evaluating from the inside out.
4.x=(7 + 6) % 5 / 2 Of course we are not totally at the mercy of predefined precedence. Parentheses can always be used to effect or clarify a meaning.
x=(7 + 6) % 5 / 2 Sub expression within parentheses bind first.
x=((7 +6) % 5 /2) Then it is according to the precedence and associativity rules as before.
(x=(((7 + 6) % 5) / 2))
(x=((13%5)/2)) Evaluating
(x=1) Integer arithmetic any fractional part.
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